Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Say What You MEAN...

Say What You Mean…

And mean what you say. It’s that simple.  Speaks for itself.  But how many of us do?  Think about it.

The meaning for me, holds a little more.( Huh?) You see, because of my stroke, I can’t remember certain things.  Certainly can’t multi task, like I used to.  Can’t decipher your conversation, with the t.v. and radio going anymore.  No siree.  It just doesn’t happen.

But it’s not a problem for me.  I live with it.  Just compensate, I guess.  I know what I mean.  It’s just ‘everyone else’ that has the problem.   After all, my kids and my hubby can read my mind.  (Well, they should be able to by now.) “Bring me that thingy over there.” Or “Did you call ‘what’s his name’ about ‘that thing’.  (Don’t laugh, you know what I mean.  Don’t you?)

O.K.  Classic example.  Not everyone is a mind reader.  Granted, not everyone can blame their vague memory on their medical situation.  Nor should we take it for granted, that others know what we are talking about.
So, be specific, Kas, and ‘say what you mean’.  I hear that regularly mostly coming from my hubby and kids.  (Others just give you that look. Huh? I know what they’re thinking! Yup, what the hell is she talking about?)

But for me, that’s not the important stuff.  Nope, just petty shit.  What I mean is this.  The meaning goes deeper.  What do you think of when someone says ‘say what you mean and mean what you say’? Exactly!  Be genuine. Authentic. Be a doer, not a sayer!

If your kids ask you to come out and play basketball with them, and you say in a moment.  Do it.  Follow through on it. For if you don’t, it will come back to haunt you. So, live up to your expectations.  Good chances they will too.  When you say, you will be there at 9pm.  Be there!  Lead by example.  Don’t give them the opportunity to second guess you.  For when you say 9, they know it’s 9. 

Yup.  It all starts with   small things.  Think about it.  ‘Mom, can you come and support me and watch a couple hours of track and field?  Mom, can you watch me play wii/xbox for awhile?  Honey, come out on the deck and have a tea and talk to me for awhile.’  Whatever it is.  How important or trivial it is.  Every single time….

Say what you mean and most importantly, mean what you say.

Dr. Seuss knew this all too well. He said, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind, don’t matter and those that matter, don’t mind.”

Always Expect Miracles,
Kassie Wright
Inspirational Author

As always, I welcome your thoughts!

(My inspirational book and ebook, ‘Always, yes Always, EXPECT Miracles! Is now available through authorhouse, amazon, chapters or any major online bookstore worldwide.)


  1. Hi Sweetie hope you don't mind me mentioning but I just cannot read your post :( Blue letters on black/grey are almost impossible to see, it actually hurts my eyes...but I'm sure it is very good! xoxox

  2. Hey Rona...my sentiments exactly, but just didn't know how to change it. Sorry.
    Next ones will be a bit easier on the eyes.
    Stay blessed,
